Coast to Coast, Day 12, rest day in Richmond

We are staying at the Willance Guest House once owned by Robert Willance. Above Whitckiffe Wood which we walked through yesterday is Willance’s Leap. In 1606 Willance was riding a young mare who may have been spooked by something and she leaped over a limestone precipice with Robert in the saddle. The mare died, sadly, and Robert’s leg was badly broken and had to be amputated. Willance went on to be the first alderman, or mayor, of Richmond. The area of the accident has been known since as Willance’s Leap. Willance died in this house in 1616. It is another wonderful guest house with kind hosts who make delicious shortbread and brown bread, and who received an award for one of the best breakfasts in the UK. It was delicious!

We went off to explore Richmond Castle this morning. It is a massive Norman Castle, mostly in ruins, and exactly what I think a castle should look like. It has massive walks, a tall square tower, and the ruins of a Great Hall that invites visitors to imagine noisy medieval feasts and parties. Construction of the castle began in 1069 and it is now known as one of the finest examples of Norman building in Britain. There is even a legend that King Arthur and his Knights are sleeping in a cave under the castle. I knew I could sense Lancelot nearby!

The Great Hall

After the castle we strolled the town and sampled local bakery items. If you like dry scone-like pastries, this is the place for you. Thankfully we still had some Kennedy chocolates from Orton.

View of Richmond from the Castle tower
Richmond Street
Waterfall, or “force,” over the River Swale below Richmond Castle

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