Cabo Days, February and March 2019

Hiking trail through the desert

We are settling into our winter life in Cabo San Lucas. The pace of buying furniture and accessories has slowed down and we have had more time to explore the many walking trails all around our neighborhood, Paraiso Escondido. Almost all the plants are thorny, spiky, or prickly, with twisted and knotted trunks. And then, nestled amid the thorns and knots, I spy a single flower.

Mexican Cardon cactus

Of all the plants, the giant Cardon (accent on the last syllable) is the most impressive. Cardon is a name derived from the Spanish word cardo which means “thistle”. It is the tallest cactus in the world, with a maximum recorded heights of 63 feet. It resembles the saguaro cactus but has fewer ribs in the stem and has more branches. I love to see birds perched on the tops of its branches.

We see turkey vultures flying overhead every day, and one day I spotted what I think is a golden eagle.

Our roof deck. Imagine yourself here.

The cushions for the bench on the roof deck were delivered on time and are beautifully made. We love the brightness of the color. It’s been unusually windy and cool this winter here, but we have enjoyed a couple of lovely evenings with family around the fire pit under the stars.

Master bedroom wall undergoing a redo

Unfortunately the wall that was fixed in the master bedroom needed major surgery. A day after it was replastered, sanded, and repainted it blistered all over again. This time the workers took it down to the concrete, let it dry out completely, and dry some more. And then the crew got moved to a different project. And then, a day before guests arrived, they returned to reapply plaster so this time we told them to return after guests are gone. I’m thinking this may be a design element that we can say reveals the bones of the condo. Modern fusion maybe?

The beach is a little over a mile away and has a lovely wide expanse of soft sand. There are rocks at one end that provide the classic waves breaking against rocks scene. We are careful to walk in the soft sand high above the tide line since this stretch of beach is infamous for sleeper waves. These are waves that appear in a wave train without warning, hurling themselves far above the foam line and then retreating forcefully back to the ocean. Several people have been surprised and drowned by these waves in recent years.

Scott’s mom and sister arrived for a weeklong visit at the beginning of March. We visited shops in Cabo San Lucas, strolled along the Marina, visited Todos Santos, and spent a lovely evening in San Jose Del Cabo.

Church in Todos Santos
Wall mural, Todos Santos
Street in Todos Santos

My mother and aunt are visiting now and my niece, nephews, and their mom just left. We love sharing this beautiful place. We plan to be here from the end of October to mid December this year, and then return after Christmas. Get your tickets now! Early discount! Special prices just for you! I’m kidding on all the price stuff, of course, just trying the sell you all on the idea of coming to visit. For a good time, text or email me. Our calendar is wide open so far…..

Pirate cruise by El Arco
My niece on a pirate cruise
Pirate ship!

My nephews swabbing the deck on the pirate ship